Thursday, December 30, 2010

Letter Format For Requesting To Disconnection


For 2011, I wish you:

 The Health, to keep all your faculties intact and you can make the best use.

 Peace, to listen, see, feel and appreciate the differences that make this world so many.

 Love to it radiates to you, and your turn, you spread it to others.

 The Abundance, to meet your needs and help you around.

 success, to gain confidence in your abilities, so that you look, another finds his way.

 Force, to bear the hardships that arise, and to understand that they are involved in your life path.

 L'Espoir to look into the future and welcoming you to donate your optimism more desperate than you

 The Joys daily, such as the tenderness of a look, a confession of affection , a discovery that makes you move, unconditional presence of a faithful friend, words radiating ...

All these things we eat and which amount to both the soul and dreams.

Happy New Year to everyone you all. If you talk about these wishes, I gladly offer them.


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