Thursday, December 30, 2010

Letter Format For Requesting To Disconnection


For 2011, I wish you:

 The Health, to keep all your faculties intact and you can make the best use.

 Peace, to listen, see, feel and appreciate the differences that make this world so many.

 Love to it radiates to you, and your turn, you spread it to others.

 The Abundance, to meet your needs and help you around.

 success, to gain confidence in your abilities, so that you look, another finds his way.

 Force, to bear the hardships that arise, and to understand that they are involved in your life path.

 L'Espoir to look into the future and welcoming you to donate your optimism more desperate than you

 The Joys daily, such as the tenderness of a look, a confession of affection , a discovery that makes you move, unconditional presence of a faithful friend, words radiating ...

All these things we eat and which amount to both the soul and dreams.

Happy New Year to everyone you all. If you talk about these wishes, I gladly offer them.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Closetmaid And Rubbermaid

Merry Christmas!

In France, Belgium, Quebec, Vietnam, Lebanon, and generally in francophone countries, Christmas dinner ends enjoying the Yule Log: This culinary tradition reproduced, in fact, another rite associated with the celebration of the winter solstice.

The disappearance of large hearths terminates the custom logs that were burned : Date of birth of dessert that replaced them is unknown. Some point to the creation of a pastry chef in 1945 but the jelly roll of Christmas is already traditional, at least in the Poitou-Charentes, since the nineteenth century.

Traditionally a Yule log is made on the basis of buttercream, but for several years, some prefer it chilled.

Fragrances principal of Yule log are: vanilla, praline, liqueur Grand Marnier, coffee, chocolate and strawberry. I already ordered

ours Daniel Briand - 104 North! (Brasília)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Can You Get Hand Foot Mouth Twice?

Christmas Activities for the classroom

Hello everyone! Today I share with you some activities to do in the classroom during this holiday season:

The Christmas quiz - easy and fun, basic vocabulary Christmas.

Christmas Stories - work in reading.

The Little Match Girl - traditional Christmas tale.

The newspaper's Santa .

Christmas in France - cloze, to complete.

Hangman Game with the vocabulary of Christmas - fun!

Write a letter to Santa Claus - small and large, it works great!

Traditional Song - Jingle Bells ! With lyrics.

Proverbs and Quotations Christmas.

Rather New Year

How to open a bottle of Champagne Michel Clement is a professor at Bar School of Trades Hotels and Tourism of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Guyancourt, academy of Versailles.

Where to go for Christmas Eve to New Year's Eve? To listen and make up: The Chronic "Destination-Travel Thierry Beaumont on Radio France-Info.

Enjoy and Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Carbonara How Long Will It Last In Fridge

The Breton Laury Thilleman crowned Miss France 2011 Le Petit Prince

Thilleman Laury, 19, Miss Britain, was elected Miss France 2011 by viewers at a ceremony in Caen by the company Endemol and broadcast by TF1.

student in management at Brest, she became the 64th winner of the ceremony, which was chaired by actor Alain Delon and presented by Jean-Pierre Foucault.

She was chosen among 33 candidates and four other finalists: Miss Languedoc, who became first runner-up, Miss Auvergne Miss Picardie, Ile de France and Miss, respectively second, third and fourth runners. Laury Thilleman succeeds Malika Norman Menard, Miss France 2010.

The girl, which measures 1.78 m, is the first winner of the election since the departure of Genevieve de Fontenay, who organized the event since 1954 and sold the brand Miss France and Miss France Company Endemol in 2002. Madame de Fontenay broke with Endemol in March, ruling that the production company did not comply sufficiently with the rules of decency that are his. It also organizes Sunday Salle Wagram in Paris, the first edition of his own election "Miss National 2011" with 25 candidates.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Welcome Noteon Wedding

earlier manga

The first episode of the new animated TV series featuring the Little Prince, entitled The Planet time, will air in late December on France 3 and soon in 80 countries.

At Christmas, a cartoon broadcast on television tell the further adventures of the Little Prince. The great hero invented by Saint-Exupery has it become an ordinary derivative?

Not surprisingly, the Little Prince has bailed. The hero of Saint-Exupery is back. Not in the shape of slender kid outlined by the aviator but that of another strapping chewed so ready to take on manga ¬ primetime on all flat panel displays that light up at Christmas. The first episode of the new animated TV series featuring the Little Prince will indeed be released in late December on France 3 and soon in 80 countries. An event if we compare it to its budget, huge for a cartoon TV (18.6 million euros), but also because it will not fail to jump fans of the work of Saint-Ex. For Planet of the time, as the first episode is called, has nothing to do with the story Clean design imagined by the writer. Punch, battles, monsters of our time, a hero should not be contemplative but active. This neo-Petit Prince continues so new adventures drew his sword, flanked by a fox as the talkative Donkey from Shrek.

Thus freed from the shackles of history, we can already dream and imagine everything for its future. Petit Prince becomes a teenager, the Little Prince exchanged his green suit cons of skinny jeans at the Gap, the Little Prince has a girlfriend, the Little Prince smokes his first cigarette ... Stop! It is not there, but it has still changed. 3D technology, which shapes systematically hero to disproportionately enlarged and hair gelled as a dessert English, is obviously no stranger to this amazing metamorphosis. Beyond the looks, it is the whole universe of Antoine de Saint-Exupery passing the centrifuge of modernity. And startled the purists of the work.

With this new project, the heirs of the writer, who died in 1944, have gone one step. So far, Succession Saint Exupery-d'Agay, which brings together four nephews and nieces of the aviator and their descendants, had vetoed the project on the history devised by their parent. "We do not touch a mythical hero": This was the credo of the family, who watches over the literary work. This family spirit has not prevented from developing in parallel a sacred culture. Le Petit Prince, whose name is submitted to the National Institute of Industrial Property, like all book titles Saint-Ex, but also the famous line "Draw me a sheep" are the fortunes of nephews and grand-nephews.

And we are witnessing the slow emancipation of the character created by Saint-Exupery. For, in the realm of wonder, the greatest heroes are often beyond their creators, like the Pinocchio of Collodi, recovered by Disney, or the Alice of Lewis Carroll, redesigned by Tim Burton. Requires time, they will of course face their avatars in the form of multiple licenses. The Little Prince has grown up. Welcome to the twenty-first century ...

Source: Figaro.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Heartgold Desmume Mac

Brasil e França desenvolverão Projetos em diversas áreas

Brazil and France will jointly develop projects in the areas of aerospace industry, automotive and electronics, health and social welfare, tourism, hospitality and gastronomy. International cooperation will be implemented by a network of vocational education that involve the federal institutes of education, science and technology in Brazil and the French colleges, as provided by a document signed by representatives of both countries this month in Paris.

For each project developed in these areas will be released a $ 200 thousand, starting next year. "The cooperation will enable teachers and students from both countries to become familiar with the systems of education, research and extension at different levels of education," said the pro-rector of education, research and graduate of the Federal Institute of Paraná, Neus Nery Rose Hill. Member of the Brazilian mission, she participated in Paris seminar on management and governance. International adviser to the professional education of the Ministry of Education, Rodrigo Torres de Araujo Lima, the project of cooperation is a major breakthrough. "Brazil is not limited to being a mere receiver of knowledge is also a propagator of knowledge and experience, "he said.

The network of cooperation between France and Brazil has its origin in a protocol signed by the governments of Brazil and France in December 2008. The trip included visits of the Brazilian delegation to the thematic high schools and bodies responsible for professional education in France. The mission objective was to understand the experience of the European country in the process of professional certification and recognition of practical knowledge workers.

The project involves the federal institutes of Amazonas, Brasilia, Ceara, Fluminense, Minas Gerais, do Pará, Paraná do, do Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Santa Catarina, São Paulo, Rio-Sul Grandense e Tocantins.

Source: Sinpro.