Thursday, February 24, 2011

Non-flushing Niacin Is Used For ?

L'Officiel des Spectacles

Hello everyone!

Historically this little guide cultural to 0.35 euros weekly publication aims to identify cultural events in Paris and Ile de France.

Me, I love, it's great practice and there are all choices.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wishing For Boss Birthday

Film - Of Men and Gods

Hello everyone! This week (Friday 25 / 2) there are the Caesars! For that I share with you this movie!

Men and Gods is a film French drama directed by Xavier Beauvois , featuring the last three years of the lives of seven Trappist monks Monastery of Our Lady of Atlas Tibhirine , Village of West of Algeria until they removal in 1996.
This film was presented in May 2010, as part of the official competition at the Cannes Film Festival 2010 and received the Grand Prize Jury .
Of men and gods received a good reception from the public, remaining four weeks at the box office in France and more than three million tickets after eleven weeks of operation. He also led in the media, renewed attention to the history of monks Tibhirine , the circumstances of their murder , the Algerian Civil War 90s, and the interreligious dialogue .

Its title is sometimes misunderstood. Now it is borrowed the Scriptures (Old and New Testaments) which serve as key. Monotheistic religions, such as Christianity and Islam placed here face to face, do not recognize that a God. However, "You are Gods" proclaims Psalm 82 "... and yet you shall die like men" (Ps 82, 6) .

Reaction actors : "It's deeper than the mere success. Xavier Beauvois has made us witnesses and smugglers, "said one of actors. All the film crew has the feeling of having experienced an adventure that mark the life and extending into the meetings with the public, spreading a spirit of brotherhood and peace which the film is not customary.

Prices Caesars which the film was shown : Best male supporting cast, Best Production Design, Best Costume, Best Photo, Best Sound, Best Editing, Best Director, Best Film and Best Actor.

Like the Cistercians, the film aspires to no proselytizing. That is detected or not gods in this remarkable story writing, we can not help but be moved by the men whose portraits sketched out discreetly.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Season Greetings Text

Abbreviations sms

I share with you this list Site French for everyone.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Malaysia Electrolysis Machine

The Little Citizens


I agree with you this site very interesting for young and old!

A group of friends, fond of jokes and fun, loans primarily to discuss and attentive to our surroundings. They think the world is a great team and it runs smoothly, everyone must work at it. To do this, learn, communicate, understand is very important for today and tomorrow.

The articles are divided into several categories:

- "What's!" - Important information from day to discover.

- "Follow closely" - all the news and information in France and abroad with more on Wednesday, a culture section: to read, to listen, to discover ...

- "The discussed minute" - Participate in the discussion of citizens in their small playground that you share their experiences.

- "Series of Gary" - Hobbies and sharing secrets with your friends Gary.

- "The you know? - Maybe yes, maybe not. For you see if you knew already!

-" The gesture of the day "- Learn full of tips and tricks to make your everyday life and more ecological citizen.

- "The word of the day - every day's the definition of a new word in French with translation into English.

and a game: - "The teatime"

Tip: Sign up for the receive mel!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What Do You Need To Start A Body Waxing Business

is Candlemas!

Every year on Feb. 2 is Candlemas.

But do you know where does this party? "

Initially, it is a pagan festival. At the time of the Roman Empire (BC), it was called the "Festival of Candles". Everyone had to light a candle to celebrate Lupercus, the god of fertility to ensure good crops and breeding livestock. Later, the Celts have also celebrated to mark the end of winter. And then, Candlemas was adopted by the Christian religion to celebrate the presentation of Jesus in the Temple.

Throughout history, one element remains: the candle light that represents the arrival of the end of winter. It also comes from there that the tradition of pancakes: the golden disc recalls the Sun and is supposed to bring good luck!

But today, Candlemas is mostly an enjoyable moment: the opportunity to eat good pancakes!